Saturday, November 01, 2008

I'm right about to take up extreme sports, that's how bad it is.

How did you spend your Halloween? I'll tell you how I spent mine: alone in my room, playing video games. Halloween hasn't fallen on a Friday since 2003--my junior year in high school--and it won't do so again for another six years (unless the world ends in 2012, in which case I don't care that much).

Oh well. Next year it will be on a Saturday, so as long as church isn't too early Sunday morning, I will still have a chance to redeem myself. Someone will have to remind me to start developing a healthy social life in the weeks prior, so I'll have somewhere to be.

And it wasn't even a new video game, it was Command and Conquer--yeah, the one from 1995, that I bought when it was brand new. I've long since lost the CD, but the company that made the game is now giving it away free to promote some new game, so... it's a decent diversion. I need a way to shut my mind off once in a while, and I can't smoke pot. But I'll still show up to church pretty bloodshot of eye anyway.
