Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A whiff of hope?

Read an article about how some soldiers in Iraq are getting restless because it's too quiet over there, so they want to go to Afghanistan where the "real war" is. It's almost too much to hope, but what if we're almost done over there? Like, actually done, not just leaving because we've had enough. And I met a girl I like, and Batman comes out tomorrow. Life is so good.

So it looks like I'll be going to SLCC after all... and I need thirty credit hours to erase BYU's memory of all my vagarious teenage misdeeds. They tell me that's a whole year. Anybody know a way to make that quicker?



Jordy said...

Go to school faster.

Hoopswim said...

Take a crazy 20+ credits in one semester and do all semesters... ouch, hurts just thinking about it.