Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You kids and your video games.

I think Babylon spent the last two years hard at work to screw up everything that used to be cool. This girl I had a crush on from kindergarten to senior year is now one of those college girls. She was so smart, and so funny, and so painfully attractive... the kind of girl for whom my feelings were almost idolatrous. She wasn't ever into me anyway, but man! To live in a world where mixed drinks had never been invented. Would she still be on the arm of that sleazy 28-year-old with the salon-styled facial hair?

The miserable thing is how unremarkable that transformation was... really, I'm surprised when I talk to old friends who haven't wholeheartedly plunged into "college life." And you can't go anywhere on the internet without facing a soft porn assault, and the shows that I catch my kid brother and sister watching are as vulgar as they are inane. I sound like an old man. I don't have any illusions that the world was much better before I left... maybe it's always been like this, but it still sucks.

I guess I just miss being oblivious. I can't wait to get to Provo... it'll be like a cold morning when you get out of bed way early on accident, but you catch yourself in time to curl back up, and the blankets are still warm. A return to the sweet embrace of monastic disconnect from the world at large. Who am I kidding, I will probably hate Provo. But it's fun to imagine myself enjoying it.


1 comment:

Jordy said...

Provo definitely has its pros and cons.